Privacy is one of our main concerns at myDNA. Your data and your DNA remain your property at all times. As such, you have the right to request your sample be securely destroyed after receiving your results.
To request your sample be destroyed, please submit a ticket to our customer support team, and select the “Destroy my DNA sample” enquiry type option. You will be provided with a DNA Destroy authorization form to complete. Please fill out the necessary details in the form, and then return it to our customer service staff. They will forward your request onto our laboratory, who will remove your sample from our storage and securely destroy it within 5 – 10 business days.
Note: We are required by law to retain a digital copy of data as per the Health Record Act (2001) as myDNA testing is considered to be a type of health record. This information is confidential. We are not allowed, in any circumstances, to release any information without your consent and any data that we hold cannot be used without your permission.
You will receive a follow up notification from our customer support once your DNA sample has been securely destroyed.
If you request your sample be destroyed, you will need to purchase and complete a new kit if you wish to have further testing done with us in future. It may also prevent you from being able to receive any new insights as part of your monthly subscription in the event we need to reanalyze your sample.